An offshore services provider has placed an order for a system which comprises a high pressure pump unit, vacuum unit and a robot surface preparation machine to add to their existing fleet of Calder offshore equipment.
The system allows surface preparation using high pressure water up to 2,800 bar. Waterblasting is the preferred choice of many operators because it does not require abrasives and the substrate profile remains intact ensuring good adhesion of the new coating. The process is controlled remotely ensuring the operator is a safe distance from the work. Waste water, old paint, marine growth and rust are easily collected and stored ready for separation and disposal.

The pump unit and vacuum will each be ATEX Zone 2-compliant and will be housed in DNV 2.7-1 offshore certified containers. The pump unit is diesel driven, producing 28 lpm at 2800 bar. The lightweight vacuum unit is from our OffshoreLITE range. It is driven by electric motor and achieves 36 m³/min (1,270 cfm) at 500 mbar (14” mercury). The robot (SpiderJet) is an agile coatings removal and surface preparation machine. Magnetic wheels attach the SpiderJet to the work surface and manoeuvre the machine over horizontal, vertical and curved surfaces. The unit is remotely controlled and has an operation speed of up to 7 metres per minute.

Our ability to supply the complete system coupled with our engineering and design capabilities allows our customers to source one approved manufacturer. From project conception, through design, build, test, and on to final commissioning, we provide the complete service.

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To discuss your surface preparation requirements please call: +44 (0) 1905 751790 or email