A major Aberdeen-based oil & gas services company has placed a repeat order for a Calder MultiJet offshore, high-pressure pump unit.
The unit can pump 34 litres of seawater per minute at pressures up to 2,500 bar and will operate in ATEX Zone 2 hazardous environments. All equipment will be housed in a DNV-certified container. One of the many features of the MultiJet range is the engine auto-throttle control (Calder Hydro-Valve) which reduces fuel consumption and pump wear by reducing engine revs to idle when the pump is not under load.
Following the build process, the unit will undergo full, in-house testing which will be witnessed by the customer ready for despatch in quarter 1, 2020. As with all our containerised, offshore MultiJet pump units design, build, and testing is done by Calder at our factory in the UK.