TST EliteOperator

The new product series EliteOperator is a revolution for the mobility and compliance of protective clothing at this level of protection. The Athletic Design makes it easier to walk, bend down, crouch, bend arms, bend legs, squat, climb ladders, walk stairs and everything else an operator does during a work shift. The protective surface is now more compliant in all directions. Parts that do not have a protective surface have got a new fabric that is elastic and fits and follows the body’s movement. In addition, the fabric is softer than previously. The seams have also been changed and moved so they better fit and follow the body’s movement.

Gamma Kit

Sigma Kit

Delta Kit

Alfa Kit





Vest with Apron

Hand Protection

Head Protection

Neck Protection




Hose Protection – 36 mm

Hose Protection – 47mm Swivel

Hose Protection – 59 mm

Hose Connection Cover – 61 mm

Whip Stop

Grease Remover

PPE for Waterjetting and High Pressures

We have been a UK TST agent for over 20 years and we use TST products. To discuss your requirements, please call us on +44 1905 751790 or email sales@calder.co.uk.